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Development history of truck crane in China

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Development history of truck crane in China

      China's truck crane was born in the 1970s, after nearly 30 years of development, there have been three major technical improvements, respectively, the introduction of Soviet technology in the 1970s, the introduction of Japanese technology in the 1980s, the introduction of German technology in the 1990s. But in general, China's truck crane industry has always been on the road of independent innovation, with its own clear development context, especially in recent years, China's truck crane industry has made considerable development, although there is a certain gap compared with foreign countries, but the gap is gradually narrowing. Moreover, the performance of small and medium tonnage truck cranes in China is in good condition, which can meet the requirements of actual production

      China's truck crane industry has gone through the development process from imitation to independent research and development, from small load to large load. In the early stage of development, foreign advanced technology was mainly introduced, and there were three important technology introductions, including Soviet technology in the 1970s, Japanese technology in the early 1980s and German technology in the early 1990s. Restricted by the level of science and technology at that time, the lifting capacity of truck cranes before the 1990s was relatively small, between 8 tons and 25 tons, and the technology was not mature. Brand model, the original Taian QY series truck crane by the user's praise.

      After China's entry into WTO in 2001, the demand for domestic truck cranes is increasing, and the market also stimulates manufacturers to produce products with higher quality, stronger performance, better safety and more able to meet the needs of work. After entering the 21st century, many domestic truck crane manufacturers have carried out mergers and acquisitions, and the domestic truck crane industry with Zoomlion Zhongke, Sany Heavy Industry, XCMG and Liugong as the new main forces has entered the stage of independent research and development. With the joint venture of Taian Dongyue and Manitowoc, and the joint venture of Changjiang Qigong and Terex, foreign manufacturers have also joined in the competition of domestic truck cranes.

      With the development of the crane industry, the improvement of the technical level makes it possible to improve the lifting capacity of the crane. The potential of the truck crane in flexibility, lifting capacity and effective working space is gradually exploited to meet the needs of different work. After entering the 21st century, the lifting capacity of the new generation of truck crane is higher and higher, and the technology is more and more mature.

      From 2005 to 2010, there was a general boom in the whole construction machinery industry, and the sales volume of truck crane also reached a new high. After years of rapid development, truck crane has reached the world leading level. In November 2010, Xugong's large tonnage truck crane qy160k appeared in Shanghai BMW exhibition. Qy160k is the world's largest truck crane at present.

      Since 2011, the truck crane industry and the whole construction machinery industry have been in a downturn. However, the infrastructure construction is still not stopped, the future demand of truck crane is still strong, manufacturers and users are looking forward to the return of peak season. After the adjustment of the truck crane market, will be more standardized and more orderly, we are also looking forward to the emergence of more and better truck crane products.