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How to reverse a semitrailer

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How to reverse a semitrailer

      I believe that many people have the car driver's license. In this process, there must be many difficulties, and everyone has their own skills. Today, I will tell you about the reverse skills of other vehicles, the reverse skills of semi trailers:

      The key to semi hanging reversing skills is:

      1. The steering wheel turns in reverse direction of semi-trailer in reverse direction opposite to that of single vehicle.

      2. Reduce the speed when the road is bent sharply.

      3. When the left bend road is in, the front and outer side of the semi hang will rush out of the tractor.

      4. When the right bend road is used, the inner rear side of the semi hanging is close to the road center line.

      5. Do not worry when backing back. You must observe the mirror and find the distance and direction of the car.

      Specific skills of semi hanging reversing:

      1. Semi trailer and adjacent vehicle shall be confirmed side by side about 1 m away from the adjacent vehicle. After confirming the safety of the rear, the vehicle will reverse in a straight line, and stop when the rear bumper of the vehicle is side by side.

      2. Turn the steering wheel to the right and reverse to the target position. When the car stops, turn the steering wheel to the right to the bottom. Release the brake pedal slightly and reverse with the peristaltic function of the semi-trailer. Stop when the left side of the body reaches a certain point of extension line.

      3. Turn the steering wheel to the left, and reverse the tire after it is back in the right direction. When the car stops, turn the steering wheel to make the tire return to the normal position; Slowly reverse in a straight line. When the left rear wheel reaches the white line outside the parking position, stop reversing.

      4. Close the vehicle to the right, turn the steering wheel of semi-trailer to the left to the bottom, and slowly retreat; Before the vehicle is parallel to the shoulder, the direction of rotation makes the vehicle return to the normal position, and stops the vehicle parallel to the shoulder (semi-trailer belongs to a large vehicle, and it should be carefully rubbed and touched when parking, and not collide with the rear vehicle).

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